Microsoft Copilot

When deploying AI solutions, it is essential to prepare and properly govern your data approach. Our Modern Workplace experts advise and support on Information Protection and Data Governance, ensuring your data is managed responsibly and securely by AI.

Why choose our Microsoft Copilot services?

Empower your teams with AI

Copilot intelligently surfaces internal and external data to your employees, to help them work smarter.  

Before you launch Copilot, it’s essential to establish the right governance and controls to safeguard your data. Copilot can then be customised to meet your specific business needs, helping to accelerate your workforce and drive success. 

We assist you in identifying the ideal opportunities to use Copilot and work with your teams to encourage and inspire them to integrate Copilot into their daily tasks. 

What FSP offer

Optimising Copilot

By thoroughly understanding your organisation and goals, we provide a tailored overview of how Copilot can be most effectively utilised in your unique context.  

Mastering Copilot

While Copilot offers significant benefits, its full potential can only be realised if users understand how to effectively use the tools and prompts to retrieve relevant information. Our team will guide users in mastering these prompts to address their key questions and provide practical use cases to demonstrate how Copilot can be further leveraged 

Expert Guidance and Support

Our experienced change specialists utilise effective communication, targeted training, and community building initiatives to guide your leaders and users in how to fully capitalise on Copilot.  

Change is constant. Move forward with confidence. 

Speak to an FSP expert