ESG, Sustainability Measure your Cloud Carbon Footprint With sustainability becoming a top priority for organisations worldwide and CIOs seeking specific energy consumption ...
ESG, Sustainability Enabling Sustainability – Using Enterprise Architecture to get started and stay on track This article explains the vital role Enterprise Architecture can play in helping to prioritise, track and drive your ...
ESG, Sustainability Digital Transformation Strategy – Maturity Through Sustainability This article explores the links between sustainability and digital maturity and offers some practical suggestions on ...
Change, Training Unleashing the Power of Learning Outcomes Learning outcomes are like our treasure map, guiding us to the right content and showing us exactly what we'll be cap...
ESG, Sustainability Enabling Sustainability: Embracing the Cloud As the world grapples with the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation, harnessing the flexibilit...
Data, ESG, Sustainability Enabling Sustainability: Harnessing the Power of Data By Hrayr Diloyan, Partner, Data & AI As more and more organisations seek to be more sustainable, Chief Data Offic...
Culture, Inclusion Joining Forces at Pride in London: FSP’s Commitment to Inclusion and Belonging FSP were very proud to be part of the Pride in London Parade on 1st July 2023.
ESG, Sustainability Sustainable Digital Transformation White Paper Have you been thinking about the challenges of making your digital transformation more sustainable?
Sustainability, Workplace Sustainable Digital Transformation: Why It Matters To Me – Paul Bevis In this article, our CTO Paul Bevis tells us a little about why sustainability is such an important subject for him.